Feel like joining in?
Want to get into drumming and play along with groups like DROM and LKMTiV?
Extra weekly lessons starting from January 2023
DeBATTERIJ is expanding! From January we will start an extra group for weekly lessons. This new group is primarily aimed at initiators and beginners; no experience required. This series will be guided by Laurens Vandevenne, member of DROM and BRUiTAL.
› Every Tuesday (except school holidays) from 10 January to the end of June, from 7 pm to 9 pm
› Price: 185 €
› Location: Sint-Pieterscollege Leuven
› Registration & info via laurens@debatterij.be
› Max 25 participants
DeBATTERIJ Percussion weekends
March 17-19 and October 13-15 2023
In 2023 we are planning two percussion weekends in De Hoge Rielen. These weekends are for members of DeBATTERIJ or for those who have already gained experience elsewhere. Here you can learn more about your instrument or try out something else. In any case, you get to know a lot of like-minded people while surfing through DeBATTERIJ's repertoire.
› March 17-19 and October 13-15 2023
› Price: 200 € - incl accommodation & catering
› Location: De Hoge Rielen - Kasterlee
› Registration & info via laurens@debatterij.be
› Max 40 participants per weekend
Initiation sessions - TBA
In 2022 we organized three initiation series during school holidays. These series are an introduction to the instruments, rhythms and songs of DeBATTERIJ. Young or old, much, little or no musical or rhythmic knowledge at all, everyone is welcome. In 2023 we will organise this series again. We aim for the Easter, summer and/or autumn holidays. More info will follow later. Would you like to join the weekly classes throughout the year? (if there are spots available) Then it is recommended to follow this series. These series are guided by Laurens Vandevenne, member of DROM and BRUiTAL.
› Location: Heilig Hartinstituut Kessel-Lo or Sint-Pieterscollege Leuven
› More info via laurens@debatterij.be
› Max 25 participants
Do you want to play on a weekly basis? Several rehearsals take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These groups are fully packed, but don't hesitate to drop a line!
These rehearsals are open to all. No experience required, only the desire to learn. “The more you put in, the more you get out.”
Want to stay up to date with our activities? Sign up for our newsletter!
To play along during project performances members must be invited, but depending on the number of available places you can always put your name forward.
These rehearsals are open to all. No experience required, only the desire to learn. “The more you put in, the more you get out.”
Want to stay up to date with our activities? Sign up for our newsletter!
To play along during project performances members must be invited, but depending on the number of available places you can always put your name forward.
Info & contact: laurens@debatterij.be | →
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De Batterij
Riddersstraat 223
3000 Leuven
Email: jo@debatterij.be
Tel.nr.: +32 (0) 496 12 92 38